Fall 2020: A Conversation with Gypsy, the Philosophical Cat

Paul:  I see you have been exhausting yourself with leaf catching again!  Is this just a diversion so you won’t get nervous about the upcoming election?

Gypsy: I take this very seriously, and I feel a little ruffled, to say the least, that you would suggest this.  Most leaves depart from the Father Sun, high in a tree, and gently sail to the ground and become one with the Mother Earth.  But there are always a few, the moment they release themselves from the care and nurture of their tree, they panic and become undecided about their future.  So they remain aloft, rising up and down with the wind, unable to give up their connection with Father Sun and settle to the Mother Earth.  Those are the ones that need my help on their journey.  Once I can catch them, I bring them gently to the ground with a paw on top until they stop trembling.  Then I can release them and they will remain with the Mother Earth.

Paul: Please excuse me; I was only kidding.  I know from our previous discussions how you feel about this.  Fall is a very unsettling time of the year for many of us, and I know your commitment to helping leaves that are yet undecided whether to remain aloft or to gracefully fall to the ground.  I experience these same feelings every year.  I’m not quite ready to give up the long lazy summer days, swimming in the river, walks and much more.  

Gypsy: Thank you for your understanding.  It is great to be outside and enjoying what must feel like spring-like weather to the leaves.

Paul: Yes, absolutely!  We are having our share of warm sunny days that we haven’t seen in ages.  It is hard to remember back when it rained every day for months on end.  Now, I’ll need to water the garden.  Luckily that water is stored up in the earth and comes out in springs above the garden.  

Gypsy: The exercise of leaping in the air is good for me as well.  I feel more fit that I have in awhile.  At the end of the day, all I want is to get a good nights sleep so I will be ready in the morning to start again.

Paul: I appreciate your stick-to-it-ness!  That is commendable.  I also appreciate your checking on me everyday while I am working on the roof.  Climbing up and down the ladder must be a chore after all the leaping you are doing!

Gypsy: Cats are good at climbing and I’m curious why you are taking the leaves off the roof?

Paul: Those are called shingles, and I am going to replace the roof with metal roofing which will be better the when solar panels are installed to provide electricity for your heating pad in the winter.  

Gypsy: I can just as easily lay out in the sun if I want to get warmed up.  That seems like a lot of work to go to just for me.

Paul: Well, in truth, the house needs power for numerous chores such as heating hot water, washing clothes, lights and so on.

Gypsy: Using the sun to provide electricity is a good choice.  It means not having to remove mountain tops looking for coal to burn which contributes to acid rain that is killing the trees that I like to climb.

Paul: You are quite the environmentalist, which bring me to your catpaign for President in 2020. 

Gypsy: Yes, I’d like to hear an update on how it is going?  I know I have been busy and not as involved as I would have like to be, however, I have been busy with my work I do both meditating for world peace and helping leaves in their journey for wintertime.  I’ve also been considering how winning the presidency would change our lives, if I actually won.  We might not be living together for quite some times and since cat years are different that human years, we might be parting ways.  

Paul: I’m not sure I would get too worried.  Sometimes losing isn’t such a bad thing, and you have contributed to enlightening many people with your encouragement of a simpler way of life while protecting the environment for future generations and all life on the planet.

Gypsy: These actually go hand in hand, you know.  Living a simpler life, uses less energy and reduces pollution, while contributing to everyone’s well being, not to mention the health of the planet!  

Paul: Yes, this seems like such a simple idea, but hard for the human race which seems hell-bent on its race to extinction.

Gypsy: It’s less that two weeks until the election.  When will we find out if I have won?

Paul: This isn’t a normal election year with the pandemic.  It may take some time to count all the mail in votes and then of course there is the president, or the person who occupies the residence at the white house, who is already claiming that the voting will be fraudulent if he doesn’t win.

Gypsy: That sounds like he is a sore loser to me.  I’m thinking that both our lives would be much easier if I didn’t win the election.  And that wasn’t the reason I had for running in the first place.  I just wanted folks to be aware that life on our home planet could be much more satisfying and rewarding if we learned to use our time and energy here more wisely.  

Paul:  Cats have a lot to teach humans, about how to conserve energy and channel our thoughts for world peace, though lately you have been expending lots of energy.  I’ve noticed you have been eating more and that means purchasing more cat food.  

Gypsy: I think you are just kidding me now.  

Paul: You are right!  I am happy to support you in all your endeavors.  Your Catpaign has made many folks happy!  I’ve given out hundreds of stickers to kids and even some adults and many t-shirts.  It looks like we will have quite a few left over.  Perhaps though they will become collectors items.  You may be the first cat who has ever run for office.

Gypsy: I appreciate all your hard work in promoting my program: A Cat-A-Lyst for Real Change.

Paul: I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, though some people have gotten upset at the idea that a cat could run this country better than our current occupant of the white house.

Gypsy: That is to be expected.  Change is something that is hard for many people.  It takes some getting used to.  

Paul: Blessed be! Peace be with you and may your journey be easy!  Happy Leaf Leaping!
Gypsy: Peace be with you and may your journey be easy!

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