Gypsy for president
I was surprised, to say the least, when my cat Gypsy announced she was running for president. I almost laughed, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. How can a cat run for president, I asked her? She replied: Trump proves that anyone, including a cat can run for president. First, I need to qualify the statement that Gypsy is my cat. She considers herself liberated and that she belongs to herself. So I decided to explore this idea with her. I know that she is a staunch environmentalist and animal rights proponent; she includes homo sapiens in this category. Do you see yourself as a conservative or liberal? Gypsy: I am a fundamentalist. I replied that has rather religious overtones, doesn’t it? She replied she believes in the need for a fundamental change in the way we live on this planet if we are going to survive. Oh, I said, and how will you fund and run your campaign? She replied that she won’t accept contributions from any supporters, large or small. How will you get word out about your campaign? She replied, by word of mouth. I have to agree that this is perhaps the best way when it comes to getting folks to take on new ideas. I’m assuming she will use the internet to launch her, ah, catpaign. If each person tells three other people to vote for her then pretty soon, everyone will know. I asked her if she could share a little about her platform she is running under, and she explained the following (I will list these): 1) Everyone has a right to take a nap every day, anytime they want. It will make people happier and healthier. 2) People will learn to meditate and learn to relax (meditation conserves energy and will reduce our impact on the climate); 3) No one has to work and everyone should be able to do exactly as they please (work is stressful and can lead to health-related illness which is slowly bankrupting our economy); 4) There won’t be any cars to run over animals; everyone will walk, ride a bike, scooter or just stay at home. This will make people healthier too. 5) Houses will be energy efficient and with solar panels or windmills, built to supply all their energy needs (no more bills). I said this sounds like a wonderful way to live, but how will we afford this? Gypsy replied that the government will just print money like they always do. Robots can do all the tedious work that people don’t want to do anyway, and besides robots never get tired. I can agree, and people are always worried about robots taking over jobs, so let ‘em have them. So, this made me think and I have to agree. I am retired, as many older Americans are, and I still am active doing the things I enjoy: gardening, teaching children woodworking, and making spoons. I usually don’t even consider it “work”, so I can understand where Gypsy is coming from. I always (almost always anyway) take a nap, stop working when I am tired, and use meditation to relax and fall asleep at night, though I’m usually tired and this is easy to do anyway. I have to admit that after hearing all this I am in favor of her campaign and vow to vote for her, so I am asking you to also consider voting for her (as a write-in candidate) for President. Lets make America a kinder and gentler place! Real change begins with change that makes a real difference in the way we live our lives, treat others, and treat the only planet that we have!
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