Fresh Produce. Locally Grown.

You can find our stand at Franklin NC farmers market every Saturday 8 AM to 12 PM starting in April
and 10 AM to 12 PM the rest of the year.
We are also part of Yonder Farmers Market Co-op.
Three Reasons To Buy Local
1. Looks better, tastes better

Local crops are picked at their peak. By buying local you receive the freshest possible produce, less time from the farm to your table.
Produce that travels becomes less nutritious; Sugars turn to starch, plant cells shrink, and produce loses its vitality and flavor.
2. Buying local promotes our communities

Local farmers aren’t anonymous and they take their responsibility to consumers seriously. When buying from a farmer you engage in direct connection between eater and grower. Knowing farmers gives you insight into the seasons, the land and your food.
3. Lightens our carbon footprint

When you choose local, you choose less packaging, distributing, transporting and storage. Buying local makes a good impact on the community. Together we make a difference at large.

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